The Nave - Font

Tour the nave by selecting any one of the highlighted stops, or continue your visit in another part of the cathedral.

Click to visit...
a. West Door
b. Font
c. Portrait
d. Organ
e. Pulpit
f. Lectern
g. Effigy
h. South Door

1b. The Font

Entering into the Cathedral by either door, the first major element seen is the font. Its placement in the nave and near the doors symbolizes the entrance into church life: Baptism. (And this font is actually used for baptisms in the Cathedral.)

The font was carved by Rowe, the master-mason of Exeter Cathedral. It eight-sided shape represents regeneration. The original tall pointed wooden font cover was destroyed in the 1911 fire. The present one shown here is a 1961 replacement. The font sits on a cruciform platform.